Achieve Land and Crop Sciences LTD was formed in 2014 to provide reliable and sound agronomic recommendations to our clients. Working with producers in both Saskatchewan and Alberta, we offer many options to increase production and lower costs. We offer services such as field scouting, nutrition, fertility planning, pest management, soil sampling, tissue sampling, data management and many other services. We take pride in providing a very detailed list of observations and practical solutions for our growers.

We believe it is important to know that not all agronomists, crop consultants or crop consulting businesses think alike. We do believe that achieving above average results comes through the management of many contributing factors. Some of these factors include variety selection, soil fertility, planting date, planting depth, seed to soil contact, crop emergence, plant populations, pest thresholds, pest removal, pest risk management, maturity dates, in season precipitation and soil moisture management. Years of research will support that an error in any of these areas can reduce yields and / or quality. Understanding these specific items and how they affect different crop types are some of the keys that will help you achieve your objectives. Other keys to achieving these objectives is understanding and implementing the timing of these management decisions.
At ALCS, we understand that you cannot apply the same program or plan to each and every operation. Different crop types, soil types, equipment and management practices all have an impact on each operation. We work closely with our clients to understand how their operation work and then work towards implementing a program to achieve the objectives
Signing up for the Farm Management Program is the first step in a complete consulting process for your farm business. We start with record keeping and data management followed with accurate and prompt field scouting and customer contact. The process involves field observations, documentation, and collection of material. The goal is to provide sound assessments through collection of accurate data (physical counts, photos, soil and tissue analysis, etc). Whether you have a problem with a pest, a suspected nutrient deficiency, or just can’t explain what is going on in your crop – we will work with you and your farm business to find an answer in a timely and professional manner.
Farmers, agronomists, and consultants need record keeping systems to manage their crop production. ALCS is excited to offer the Croptivity platform as an integral part of managing your farm. Key features in the design are fast data entry, synchronization of data to flow information smoothly between all computers and users, and professional reports. Combined with ALCS’s crop consulting program we can provide the most professional agronomy program available. Croptivity allows you to work with us to preserve information for the future decisions.
- Crop nutrition planning
- Soil sampling
- Fertility analysis
- Pre-seed weed burn-off and seed-bed preparation
- Seeding rates, placement and depth
- Plant populations and staging
- Weed competition, disease levels, insect levels inspections
- Tissue sampling
- Herbicide recommendations – rates, products, and timing
- Fungicide applications – products, rates, and timing
- Insecticide applications – products, rates, and timing
- Pre and post-harvest desiccation
- Post-Harvest fall operations
- Data management/ record keeping

At Achieve Land and Crop Sciences we take pride in our ability to understand the science required to investigate agriculture. We have adopted a systematic approach of collecting data relevant to discovering what variables are impacting our crops. We are excited to deliver our Soil sampling and Analysis to all of the producers in the area.

Water and your yield potential
Every year the timing and amount of water that’s available to your crop impact your overall yield potential. Measuring crop available water along with rainfall and root activity provide critical insights into the opportunities and challenges in your fields.
Crop Intelligence is a software application that provides actionable insights based on your Water Driven Yield Potential. It’s a decision support tool that gives you and your agronomist the information you need to make the best decisions based on accurate data right from your fields.

- View and summarize all you environmental sensor data with FarmGate by Crop Intelligence
- Mobile, tablet, and desktop friendly
- Real-time soil moisture and environmental data from your fields
- 30-year aggregated climate data
- You own your data and control who you share it with
- Built for Western Canadian farmer and their agronomists
- Compatible with multiple hardware platforms
- No per acre fees

Empower Field Insights with Enhanced Imagery
How Agrian Empowers Farmer Field Insights with Enhanced Satellite Imagery
Precision ag is all about recognizing efficiencies. Whether it’s recognizing optimal irrigation to maximize water usage or ensuring crops get the perfect amount of fertilizer, the success of boosting the overall economics of the farm depends on the accuracy of the information you collect.
The same is true with imagery – quite literally, it’s hard to recognize anything if your satellite images aren’t clear. Good imagery gives farmers and consultants the ability to accurately detect thought areas, view the effects of weather systems, and optimize scouting efforts in a much more targeted way.
Unfortunately, enhanced satellite imagery can be challenging to acquire. First, it’s expensive. “Traditionally it’s been difficult for farmers to justify the expense of imagery,” explained Peter Brandt, Chief Technology Officer, Agrian Inc..
Any infrared imagery or enhanced satellite imagery technologies developed to actually be used by farmers has to account for this expense. That’s exactly what Agrian’s enhanced satellite imagery tools does: “As we build out Agrian’s precision toolbox for our user base, we specifically sought to tackle the challenge of expense, as well as other key challenges imagery has presented in the past.”

Here at Achieve Land and Crop Sciences we know the importance of giving back to the community. Below are some of our contributions and details on the ACLS Scholarship.

Eatonia Minor Hockey Association Zamboni

2017 ALCS Scholarship Recipient
$2000 Donation to Eaton School
- Eatonia Fowl Supper Committee
- Eatonia Lions/Lioness Clubs
- Red Cross
- Eatonia School Projects
- Eatonia Sportsman’s Dinner
- Wheatkings Baseball Team
- Eatonia Huskies Hockey
- Eatonia Bullarama
- Laporte Harvest Dance
- Eaton School
- EOL Fundraiser
- Ballroom Blitz Fundraiser
- Eatonia Oasis Players
- Eatonia School
- Eatonia Cooperative Raise The Roof
The ALCS Scholarship is designed to give back to the agricultural community by supporting the pursuit and development of passionate future agriculture industry leaders. The $1,000 scholarship is open to any student pursuing post-secondary education leading to a diploma or degree in agriculture.
To apply, you must type a short one page essay based on a question related to Canada’s agriculture industry. Currently, the question is: “Why are you passionate about agriculture in Canada?”
All applications can be submitted by mail or email. Thank you and good luck!

2015 ALCS Scholarship Recipient:
Dakota Price

2016 ALCS Scholarship Recipient:
Wade Theaker

2017 ALCS Scholarship Recipient:
$2000 Donation to Eaton School

2018 ALCS Scholarship Recipient:
Breanne Follensbee

2019 ALCS Scholarship Recipient:
Adrianna Graham

2020 ALCS Scholarship Recipients:
Turner Somerville
Hannah Eckstein

2021 ALCS Scholarship Recipient:
Kyle Theaker

2022 ALCS Scholarship Recipients:
Abrie Hayes
Ryanna Leslie

2023 ALCS Scholarship Recipients:
Kylee Price

2024 ALCS Scholarship Recipients:
Chase Oomen
Luke Aldridge
Achieve Land and Crop Sciences LTD.
Box 295 Eatonia, SK S0L0Y0
C: 1-306-460-4948
C: 1-306-430-9944
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